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Prototype and Test-

My main goal was to raise awareness for school shootings. To make it known that this is an issue and it needs to be talked about. I wanted to allow my peers to feel connected to each other. My theme was We Are Worth It. Doing fundraisers and selling at basketball games, I was able to talk to students and parents about my project and try to make them feel connected. Using the point that it can happen anywhere including here. This point stands out because it makes people start thinking that this is not just a news heading and that this is real life. 

I went through many different types of ideation for different parts of my project. The first ideation I ever did was first figuring out what I wanted to do for my project and what would mean the most to me. I then had to find a speaker who would be willing to do what I had planned. After all of that was figured out I had to brainstorm how I would make money to raise awareness for the Koshka Foundation. Having many meetings with my team and Zig to create different ideas that would give us the biggest outcome. The fundraisers we ended up doing was selling shirts, crewnecks, pizza, and donuts.  

Common Sector #1

Throughout this semester I went through many ups and downs. I had to push my event back and create a whole new schedule which is included as a prototype to show Fuhrman that it could work. Although none of this was able to happen due to covid-19. Creating outlines like such made me more credible. I was able to spread my awareness which was one of my biggest goals. I did many fundraising events and sold crewnecks and shirts. Doing these things got my message out to students and those in the community.


Modified Schedule w/ Bobcat Advisory

                                                  Testing:  7:40am - 9:10am (1hr 30min)

Block 1:  9:15am - 10:22am (67 min)

Block 2:  10:27am - 11:34am (67 min)

Bobcat Advisory: 11:35am - 12:25pm

    (50 min lunch - Bobcat Advisory)

Block 3:  12:26pm - 1:33pm (67 min)

Block 4:  1:38pm - 2:45pm (67 min)


Monday, March 30th or Tuesday, March 31st

Change the schedule to 60 minute blocks--adding 28 minutes to Bobcat (1 hour, 18 minutes)

Plan B (if needed):

Schedule would remain the same; Zoom conference

In gym: need projector setup, internet connection and audio


Plan B II: Moving to a community event

Support of my parents to find venue

Rae Daniels support to make this happen

Sponsors outside of the school willing to help

Common Sector CHANGES

Common Sector #2

Drive Results-

In my first rating I gave myself a 2 and now I would give myself a 5. Before I didn't have an experience with trying to get sponsors and after I did the second rating I grew and learned a lot. I learned how to connect with companies and others.


Instill Trust- 

In my first rating I gave myself a 3 and now I would give myself a 5. I had to have companies and my team be able to trust my decisions and thoughts. Making sure I was credible and being able to donate money to a good cause.


Plan and Align-

In my first rating I have myself a 4 however I now give myself a 5. I created schedule for my event and how the day would look. I went ahead to plan with Kristina for her hotel and flight.


Display Courage- 

In my first rating I gave myself a 4 now I give myself a 5. My project can be touchy to talk about but as the year went on I got better about talking about it. At first it made me emotion to talk about but I've learned to be stronger.


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